If you face a long journey every day and spend a lot of time in your vehicle then there is a great possibility that you will suffer from aches and pains from time to time. Your back, neck and shoulders can be very uncomfortable. Because you need to drive on a regular basis, your body never has a chance to recover and heal. Here are some tips on how to choose the best car seat cushion.

Choosing a Type : The driver's seat cushion installation offers a huge comfort factor and other features depending on the model you choose. It can help you sit upright, taller and more comfortable even on those with few discs.

Cushion Options Consider the type of options you are looking for in a driver's seat cushion. You might like the idea of ​​lumbar support, heat, massager, etc. Features should be easy to use and control. There are several features available. Keep in mind that the more features you look for, the higher the price, and the more problems you may encounter with the seat over time.

Ability to clean : Look for a driver seat cushion that is easy to clean. This will make you drink your breakfast worry-free, as well as any other stains that may occur.

Know Your Car Be sure to note the make, model, and year of your vehicle, as you may need this information to find the appropriate seat cushion.

Driver seat cushions offer a quick and simple way to increase the comfort of your car, customize the look and provide a host of features.

Safety Belt

It would be cunning to say that in today's Russia, the seat-belt culture is rooted in the Soviet Union ... On the contrary, the use of this means of passive safety is record low. However, it should be borne in mind that the adjustment of the car seat, the correct fit, etc. do not give effect without fastening! And you also need to do this correctly - so that the airbag volume sensors work on time and correctly. How to do it?

  • The seat belt should definitely not come into contact with the throat of the driver or passenger.
  • The belt should be placed diagonally - from the shoulder across the chest to the thigh
  • The fixation in the chair should feel like light pressure, not hard;
  • Clamp clamp - it must be tight so that it takes a serious force to open the lock.

Typical error: loose seat belt. After adjusting the seat with the steering wheel, the lion's share of Russian car owners go on a journey with a safety belt, carelessly thrown over the body. This happens especially often in winter when drivers dress in thick, warm jackets. Say, let’s put dust in the eyes of traffic cops that we follow traffic rules, and we will feel at ease ... But this is not so bad, but when the driver and the passenger leave the passive safety device missing behind their backs, they deceive the seat belt warning device.